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Course no.Department
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01001 Mathematics 1a (Polytechnical foundation) E24
01017 Discrete Mathematics E24
01018 Discrete mathematics 2: algebra E24
01019 Discrete Mathematics E24
01025 Advanced Mathematics 2 for Mathematics and Technology E24
01034 Advanced Engineering Mathematics 2 E24
01035 Advanced Engineering Mathematics 2 E24
01237 Differential geometry and parametric design E24
01415 Computational Discrete Mathematics E24
01418 Introduction to Partial Differential Equations E24
01426 Cryptography 2 E24
01527 Graph Theory II E24
01617 Introduction to Dynamical Systems E24
01715 Functional Analysis E24
01904 Discrete mathematics E24
01920 Calculus and Algebra 2 E24
02002 Computer Programming (Polytechnical Foundation) E24
02003 Computer Programming (Polytechnical Foundation) E24
02100 Introductory Programming and Software Technology E24
02110 Algorithms and Data Structures 2 E24
02132 Computer Systems E24
02138 Digital Electronics 1 E24
02155 Computer Architecture and Engineering E24
02156 Logical Systems and Logic Programming E24
02157 Functional Programming E24
02158 Concurrent Programming E24
02159 Operating Systems E24
02162 Software Engineering 2 E24
02203 Design of Digital Systems E24
02209 Test of Digital Systems E24
02226 Networked Embedded Systems E24
02232 Applied Cryptography E24
02234 Research Topics in Cybersecurity E24
02239 Data Security E24
02242 Program Analysis E24
02246 Model Checking E24
02249 Computationally Hard Problems E24
02258 Parallel Computer Systems E24
02263 Formal Aspects of Software Engineering E24
02268 Process-oriented and Event-driven Software Systems E24
02269 Process Mining E24
02287 Logical Theories for Uncertainty and Learning E24
02289 Algorithmic Techniques for Modern Data Models E24
02311 Introduction to embedded systems E24
02312 Introductory Programming E24
02321 Hardware/Software Programming E24
02323 Introduction to Statistics E24
02327 Introductory Databases and Database Programming E24
02332 Compiler Construction E24
02335 Operating Systems E24
02369 Software Processes and Patterns E24
02393 Programming in C++ E24
02402 Statistics (Polytechnical Foundation) E24
02405 Probability theory E24
02407 Stochastic Processes - Probability 2 E24
02409 Multivariate Statistics E24
02411 Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments E24
02413 Statistical Quality Control E24
02418 Statistical modelling: Theory and practice E24
02425 Diffusions and stochastic differential equations E24
02427 Advanced Time Series Analysis E24
02428 Dynamic Optimization E24
02429 Analysis of correlated data: Mixed linear models E24
02450 Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Mining E24
02455 Experiment in Cognitive Science E24
02456 Deep learning E24
02458 Cognitive Modelling E24
02461 Introduction to Intelligent Systems E24
02462 Signals and data E24
02464 Artificial Intelligence and Human Cognition E24
02471 Machine learning for signal processing E24
02492 Digital Learning Technology and Entrepreneurship E24
02502 Image analysis E24
02516 Introduction to Deep Learning in Computer Vision E24
02517 Responsible AI: Algorithmic fairness and explainability E24
02525 Introduction to Mathematics and Technology E24
02561 Computer Graphics E24
02562 Rendering - Introduction E24
02601 Introduction to Numerical Algorithms E24
02610 Optimization and Data Fitting E24
02619 Model Predictive Control E24
02624 Inverse problems and Imaging E24
02635 Mathematical software programming E24
02689 Advanced Numerical Methods for Differential Equations E24
02805 Social graphs and interactions E24
02807 Computational Tools for Data Science E24
02809 UX Design Prototyping E24
02830 Advanced Project in Digital Media Engineering E24
10031 Introduction to Engineering Physics E24
10033 Mechanics and Physical Modeling E24
10036 Electromagnetism for physicists E24
10060 Physics (Polytechnical Foundation) E24
10063 Physics (Polytechnical Foundation) E24
10112 Advanced Quantum Mechanics E24
10200 The structure and dynamics of materials studied with X-rays and neutrons E24
10317 Condensed Matter Physics E24
10319 Advanced solid state physics E24
10321 Nanosystems engineering E24
10331 Experimental introduction to physics of sustainable energy E24
10333 Physics of Sustainable Energy E24
10337 Theoretical microfluidics E24
10339 Concepts in heterogeneous catalysis and applications to energy conversion E24
10384 Quantum information E24
10400 Plasma Physics E24
10405 Theory of Relativity E24
10590 Illustration of scientific content related to catalysis E24
10610 History of Technology E24
10750 Innovation Projects at the Physics Department E24
10855 Advanced fabrication of micro- and nanostructures E24
10870 Experimental Methods and Instruments in Physics E24
10916 Physics 1 E24
10935 Physics 1 E24
12000 Introduction to Environmental Technology and Management E24
12102 Environmental Processes E24
12104 Environmental Modelling E24
12105 Quantitative Sustainability (Polytechnical Foundation) E24
12106 Quantitative Sustainability (Polytechnical Foundation) E24
12109 Physico-Chemical Water Treatment Technologies E24
12122 Urban Drainage and Stormwater Management E24
12130 Solid Waste Technology and Management E24
12134 Environmental Microbiology E24
12139 Resource Engineering E24
12145 Terrestrial Ecology for Engineers E24
12228 Urban air pollution E24
12245 Water Pollution E24
12336 Groundwater Quality E24
12350 Introduction to Indoor Environment E24
12361 Ventilation and Climatic Systems E24
12362 Daylighting and Lighting E24
12410 Engineering Geology – an introductory course E24
12412 Basic Geotechnical Engineering E24
12421 Advanced Soil Mechanics E24
12430 Mineral resources E24
12431 Principles of Rock Mechanics E24
12451 Pavement Mechanics E24
12552 Geotechnical engineering and civil engineering structures E24
12601 Thermal Building Physics E24
12605 Sustainability and Life Cycle Assessment in the Built Environment E24
12611 Heat and mass transfer in buildings E24
12616 Construction Materials and the Green Transition E24
12701 Introduction to Living systems E24
12772 Life Cycle Assessment of Products and Systems E24
22001 Acoustic signal processing E24
22006 Acoustic Communication E24
22007 Audiology and hearing devices E24
22051 Signals and linear systems in discrete time E24
22100 R for Bio Data Science E24
22101 Introduction to programming in Life Science using Python E24
22111 Introduction to Bioinformatics E24
22112 High Performance Computing in Life Science E24
22123 Computational Precision Medicine E24
22140 Introduction to Systems Biology, BSc E24
22145 Immunological Bioinformatics E24
22160 R for Bio Data Science E24
22161 Introduction to programming in Life Science using Python, MSc E24
22203 Conceive, Design, Implement, and Operate a Healthcare Product E24
22208 Human Physiology E24
22210 Immune System in Health and Disease E24
22231 Module 1: From idea to project plan in biotech and pharmaceutical research E24
22237 Preclinical drug development E24
22285 Applied Biomaterials E24
22437 Rapid Prototyping of AC Sensor Systems using Arduino Technology E24
22438 Rapid Prototyping of analogue DC Sensor Systems E24
22449 Introduction to Biomedical product development E24
22475 Tissue and movement biomechanics DTU E24
22481 Introduction to medical imaging E24
22485 Medical imaging systems E24
22525 Medical Image Analysis E24
22603 Light microscopy for life science E24
23101 Introduction to food production chains E24
23205 Fighting infectious diseases E24
23260 Applied methods in metagenomics E24
23263 Advanced modeling of infectious diseases E24
23272 Risk analysis in food safety E24
23511 Food production engineering basics E24
23521 Hygienic design in the food industry E24
23564 Integrated product innovation in the food industry E24
23711 Food technology E24
23732 Human nutrition E24
23900 Project course in food E24
23902 Introduction to food E24
23903 Basic food analysis E24
23937 Chemical food analysis II E24
23952 Food technology E24
23953 Applied statistical process control and quality management E24
23963 Raw materials, hygiene and HACCP E24
23982 Chemical Risk Analysis E24
25106 Introduction to genetic methods in engineering E24
25302 Physical oceanography E24
25303 Mathematical biology E24
25311 Fisheries oceanography E24
25312 Fisheries systems – management and modelling E24
25323 Topics in aquatic science and technology E24
25325 Marine ecosystems and climate change E24
25328 Mathematical models in ecology E24
25342 Evidence Based Advice for Aquatic Management E24
25350 Introduction to aquatic ecosystems and their organisms E24
25355 Genomic Methods for Breeding and Management for Aquatic Resources E24
26001 General and inorganic chemistry E24
26020 Chemistry (Polytechnical Foundation) E24
26050 Chemistry for life sciences E24
26171 General Chemistry E24
26173 Inorganic Chemistry E24
26200 Physical Chemistry 1 E24
26255 Molecular dynamics and machine learning E24
26411 Organic Chemistry 2 E24
26422 Biomolecular Chemistry E24
26433 Organic Chemistry 3 E24
26436 Pharmaceutical Drug Development E24
26438 NMR Spectroscopy E24
27002 Life Science E24
27020 Bioengineering (Polytechnical Foundation) E24
27026 Molecular biology E24
27062 Protein science: Structure, interactions and molecular properties E24
27230 Prokaryotic cell biology E24
27246 Applied enzyme technology and kinetics E24
27423 Metabolomics and proteomics E24
27460 Synthetic biology E24
27665 LabChip: Design of Lab-on-a-chip systems E24
28010 Products and Processes - Introduction to Chemical Engineering E24
28012 Chemical and Biochemical Process Engineering E24
28016 Mathematical models for chemical and biochemical systems E24
28020 Introduction to Chemical and Biochemical Engineering E24
28022 Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology E24
28140 Introduction to Chemical Reaction Engineering E24
28150 Introduction to Process Control E24
28157 Process Design E24
28213 Polymer Technology E24
28233 Recovery and purification of biological products E24
28242 Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis E24
28244 Combustion and High Temperature Processes E24
28311 Chemical and Biochemical Product Design E24
28315 Applied Colloid and Surface Chemistry E24
28322 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics E24
28352 Chemical Process Control E24
28420 Separation Processes E24
28455 Process adaptation in Fermentation Based Biomanufacturing E24
28485 Biobusiness and Process Innovation E24
28530 Transport Processes E24
28852 Risk Assessment in Chemical and Biochemical Industry E24
28857 Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and quality in pharmaceutical, biotech and food industry - Practical version E24
28870 Energy and Sustainability E24
28872 Biorefinery E24
30015 Basic electronics for instrumentation E24
30032 Electrotechnics E24
30035 Engineering Electromagnetics E24
30101 Introduction to GeoRum 1 E24
30131 Geo- and Planetary Physics I E24
30202 Measurement Technologies in Earth and Space Physics E24
30230 Data Analysis and Modeling in Geoscience and Astrophysics E24
30300 Introduction to Satellite Systems E24
30330 Image Analysis with Microcomputer E24
30350 Remote Sensing E24
30400 Electromagnetics E24
30415 RF communication circuits E24
30430 Advanced antenna techniques and measurements E24
30552 Satellite Geodesy E24
30720 Space Physics - Physics of the space environment E24
30755 Climate change - physics and observations E24
34021 Introduction to optics and photonics E24
34032 Optical properties of solids E24
34313 Introduction to Data Communication Networks E24
34345 Signalling systems and technology for railways E24
34365 IoT Prototyping E24
34366 Intelligent systems E24
34540 Light emitting diodes and photovoltaics for energy applications E24
34600 Electric circuits 1 E24
34630 Integrated analog electronics 1 E24
34652 Power Electronics 1 E24
34654 Circuit technology and EMC E24
34657 System level integrated circuit design E24
34721 Linear control design 1 E24
34745 Linear control design 2 E24
34753 Robotics E24
34759 Perception for Autonomous Systems E24
34791 PhD Course - Topics in advanced control E24
34840 Fundamentals of acoustics and noise control E24
34844 Building acoustics E24
34870 Electroacoustic transducers and systems E24
34880 Structure-borne sound E24
34895 PhD Course - Research topics in acoustic technology E24
38102 Technology Entrepreneurship E24
38108 Technology and Innovation Management E24
38113 Applied AI for Entrepreneurs E24
41000 Mechanical engineering practice E24
41011 User-centered design E24
41012 Visual communication E24
41045 Thermodynamic Modelling E24
41102 Hydraulics in pipes and open channels E24
41111 Hydrodynamics 2 E24
41117 Marine and Coastal Structures E24
41129 Turbulent flows E24
41201 Fundamentals of ships and other floating structures E24
41216 Structural assessment of ships E24
41222 Wave loads on ships and offshore structures E24
41236 Structural mechanics E24
41275 Ship operations E24
41312 Basic fluid mechanics E24
41316 Advanced CFD E24
41320 Advanced fluid mechanics E24
41342 Ecocar E24
41347 Internal combustion engines - theory for the application of conventional and renewable fuels E24
41402 Simulation of thermal energy systems E24
41417 Digitalization of Thermal Energy Technologies – Modelling and Simulation Methods E24
41420 Refrigeration and Heat Pump Technology E24
41451 Ventilation and Indoor Climate E24
41452 Basic Building Design with Regard to Indoor Environment, Services and Energy E24
41461 Building Integrated Photovoltaics E24
41462 Building Performance Simulation E24
41463 High performance buildings E24
41465 Computational Fluid Dynamics for Buildings E24
41467 Development of solar energy systems E24
41502 Strength of materials 2 E24
41515 Computational multibody dynamics E24
41516 Anisotropy and fibre composites E24
41524 Tribology of machine elements E24
41525 Finite Element Methods E24
41526 Fracture mechanics E24
41534 Dimensioning and strength 2 E24
41564 Dynamics and vibrations E24
41612 Product design and documentation E24
41615 Mechanical CAD E24
41619 Introduction to Production E24
41637 Mass Customization - application of product configuration E24
41653 Corrosion (theory and engineering) E24
41661 Metals technology E24
41662 Physical metallurgy E24
41681 Materials science E24
41690 Electron Microscopy and Analysis for Materials Research E24
41730 Industrial forming of metals E24
41733 Metallurgy, design and manufacturing of cast components E24
41740 Digital Manufacturing - Industry 4.0 E24
41747 Modelling in materials and manufacturing engineering - heat transfer and diffusion E24
41749 Precision Machining E24
41787 Production technology E24
41814 Heat transfer E24
41815 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis E24
41843 Project work on Vehicle dynamics E24
41903 Introduction to Civil Engineering E24
41911 Introduction to Building Information Modeling (BIM) E24
41925 Introduction to Building Information Modeling (BIM) E24
41928 Building Design E24
41931 Building Fire Safety E24
41933 Structural Fire Safety Design E24
41934 Advanced Building Information Modeling (BIM) E24
41937 Structural design of precast concrete buildings E24
41938 Agile Prototyping E24
41941 Construction and architecture E24
41942 Architectural Engineering Project 1, intro E24
41945 Design of Structures E24
41952 Timber Structures and execution E24
41954 Structural engineering 2 E24
41957 Steel Structures E24
41958 Computational Structural Modelling 1: The Finite Element Method E24
41961 Computational Structural Modelling 2: Non-linear Finite Element Method E24
41963 Advanced Concrete Structures E24
41967 Seismic and Wind Engineering E24
41968 Bridge Structures E24
42009 Introductory Economics E24
42015 Energy Economics E24
42101 Introduction to Operations Research E24
42114 Integer Programming E24
42115 Network Optimization E24
42117 Transport Optimization E24
42402 Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Management (O&SCM) E24
42403 Advanced Operations Management for Production and Service Systems E24
42421 Management and Organization E24
42577 Introduction to Business Analytics E24
42580 Introduction to Data Science E24
42587 Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management E24
42879 Decision Support and Strategic Assessment E24
42893 Psychology for engineers E24
46015 Digital energy societies E24
46030 Electrical energy systems E24
46100 Introduction to Micrometeorology for Wind Energy E24
46115 Turbulence modeling E24
46205 Feasibility studies of energy projects E24
46211 Offshore Wind Energy E24
46300 Wind Turbine Technology and Aerodynamics E24
46320 Loads, Aerodynamics and Control of Wind Turbines E24
46420 Composite Materials and Fibres E24
46500 Probabilistic Methods in Wind Energy E24
46550 Offshore wind grid connection and high-voltage DC (HVDC) transmission E24
46700 Introduction to Electric Power Systems E24
46711 Stability and control in electric power systems E24
46715 Transients in power systems E24
46735 Wind, solar and energy storage electrical drive trains E24
46745 Integration of wind power in the power system E24
46750 Optimization in modern power systems E24
46765 Machine learning for energy systems E24
47202 Introduction to future energy E24
47209 3D imaging, analysis and modelling E24
47211 Electrochemical energy storage and Power2X E24
47212 Computer simulation of materials E24
47317 Exergy analysis E24
47330 Energy storage and conversion E24
47333 Electron microscopy for materials science E24
47338 Organic energy materials E24
47339 Solid state and structural chemistry E24
62000 Managerial Economics E24
62001 Innovation, Design and Process Facilitation E24
62010 Product understanding E24
62030 From idea to checkout (3rd semester PI-project) E24
62074 Project Management - Tools and practical management E24
62079 Operations Management E24
62090 Technology and Manufacturing E24
62096 IT in production E24
62101 Operations Management 2 E24
62104 Automation in Manufacturing E24
62107 Quality management and GMP E24
62108 Crossfunctional development of technology and manufacturing E24
62111 Industry 4.0 in practice E24
62118 Organisation and Management E24
62121 Manufacturing development and digitalisation (project no. 4) E24
62143 Mechanical product documentation and analysis E24
62150 Basic Mathematics E24
62174 Managerial Economics 2 E24
62177 Marketing Concepts and Strategies E24
62186 German - Civics and Culture 2 F19
62198 Economics for engineers E24
62199 Road design and traffic safety E24
62202 Life Cycle Assessment E24
62210 Project leadership - Leadership, Flow and Impact E24
62211 Business Science and Technology Management E24
62218 Basic Science E24
62223 Managerial Economics 1 E24
62224 The English-Speaking World and Academic Writing in English E24
62231 Intercultural business communication E24
62233 Macroeconomics E24
62234 Industrial Programming E24
62235 International Business Environments and Operations E24
62263 Concrete Structures E24
62265 Traffic and roads in urban areas E24
62268 Soil and Groundwater Pollution E24
62271 Building Energy & heating systems E24
62272 Project based production: Planning and control of construction projects E24
62276 Road and railway design E24
62277 Water and climate adaption E24
62279 Building and Infrastructure Project 2 E24
62281 Building renewal with focus on energy and mechanical installations E24
62282 Building renewal with focus on structures E24
62283 Digital Modeling and Technical Drawing Communication E24
62319 House building E24
62331 Basic Statics E24
62389 Climate adaption and cloud burst for Run off Water E24
62413 Advanced object oriented programming using C# and .NET E24
62420 Information technology 1 E24
62422 Bio-medical electronics 1 E24
62424 Project work in practice E24
62426 Cyber defence and legal aspects E24
62525 Digital Signal Processing. E24
62531 Development Methods for IT Systems E24
62550 User experience and mobile application development E24
62581 IT and Computer Communication E24
62582 Complex Systems and Devops E24
62589 Business Intelligence E24
62601 Thermodynamics and Mechanics for Electrical Engineers E24
62637 Advanced analytics for mobility and transport E24
62641 Sustainability, mobility, and society E24
62642 Planning of infrastructure E24
62643 Mechanical Vibrations E24
62670 Statistical Analysis and Data visualisation E24
62675 Mechanics E24
62677 Applied Control Engineering E24
62694 Dynamics E24
62712 Basic C Programming E24
62733 Project Work in Electrotechnics E24
62743 Digital Signal Processing E24
62752 Measurement and control using microprocessors E24
62755 Power Electronics E24
62760 Power Engineering 1 E24
62762 Electric Power Technology E24
62763 Electrotechnique 1 E24
62766 Operation of electrical energy systems E24
62773 Electrophysics 1 E24
62775 Applied electrical engineering E24
62999 Innovation Pilot E24
62T04 Web Technologies E24
63853 Sustainable Business in the pharmaceutical industry on emerging markets and developing countries - Access to health care E24
63860 System and Network Security E24
63880 Data analytics in transport with emphasis on railways E24