Select all |
01004 Mathematics 1b (Polytechnical Foundation) F25 |
01020 Advanced Linear Algebra F25 |
01035 Advanced Engineering Mathematics 2 F25 |
01125 Fundamental topological concepts and metric spaces F25 |
01227 Graph Theory F25 |
01238 Differential Geometry F25 |
01325 Mathematics 4: Analysis - a Toolbox in Physics and Engineering F25 |
01405 Algebraic Error-Correcting Codes F25 |
01410 Cryptography 1 F25 |
01622 Advanced Dynamical Systems: Applications in Science and Engineering F25 |
01666 Project work - Bachelor of Mathematics and Technology F25 |
01716 Advanced Topics in Applied Functional Analysis F25 |
01922 Linear Algebra and Modelling F25 |
02105 Algorithms and Data Structures 1 F25 |
02118 Introduction to Chip Design F25 |
02123 Project Work – Bachelor in Computer Engineering F25 |
02135 Introduction to Cyber Systems F25 |
02139 Digital Electronics 2 F25 |
02141 Computer Science Modelling F25 |
02160 Agile Object-oriented Software Development F25 |
02161 Software Engineering 1 F25 |
02170 Database Systems F25 |
02180 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence F25 |
02182 Symbolic Artificial Intelligence F25 |
02192 Computer Security Incident Response F25 |
02195 Quantum Algorithms and Machine Learning F25 |
02196 Quantum Compilers F25 |
02205 VLSI Design F25 |
02211 Research Topics in Computer Architecture F25 |
02225 Distributed Real-Time Systems F25 |
02233 Network Security F25 |
02244 Logic for Security F25 |
02247 Compiler Construction F25 |
02255 Modern Cryptography F25 |
02256 Automated Reasoning F25 |
02282 Algorithms for Massive Data Sets F25 |
02285 Artificial Intelligence and Multi-Agent Systems F25 |
02291 System Integration F25 |
02322 Machine oriented programming F25 |
02323 Introduction to Statistics F25 |
02324 Advanced Programming F25 |
02326 Algorithms and Data Structures F25 |
02328 Digital electronics F25 |
02346 Distributed and Parallel Systems F25 |
02402 Statistics (Polytechnical Foundation) F25 |
02411 Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments F25 |
02417 Time Series Analysis F25 |
02421 Stochastic Adaptive Control F25 |
02435 Decision-Making Under Uncertainty F25 |
02450 Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Mining F25 |
02460 Advanced Machine Learning F25 |
02463 Active machine learning and agency. F25 |
02465 Introduction to reinforcement learning and control F25 |
02466 Project work - Bachelor of Artificial Intelligence and Data F25 |
02467 Computational Social Science F25 |
02477 Bayesian machine learning F25 |
02501 Advanced Deep Learning in Computer Vision F25 |
02502 Image analysis F25 |
02504 Computer Vision F25 |
02506 Advanced Image Analysis F25 |
02509 Computational 3D Imaging and Analysis F25 |
02510 Deep Learning for Experimental 3D Image Analysis F25 |
02526 Mathematical Modeling F25 |
02563 Generative Methods for Computer Graphics F25 |
02566 Creating Digital Visual Experiences F25 |
02580 Geometric Data Analysis and Processing F25 |
02582 Computational Data Analysis F25 |
02601 Introduction to Numerical Algorithms F25 |
02611 Optimization for Data Science F25 |
02612 Constrained Optimization F25 |
02613 Python and High-Performance Computing F25 |
02686 Scientific computing for differential equations F25 |
02687 Scientific Computing for ordinary and partial differential equations F25 |
02806 Social data analysis and visualization F25 |
02808 Personal Data Interaction for Mobile and Wearables F25 |
10031 Introduction to Engineering Physics F25 |
10033 Mechanics and Physical Modeling F25 |
10034 Thermodynamics and statistical physics F25 |
10054 Model Physics F25 |
10060 Physics (Polytechnical Foundation) F25 |
10065 Physics (Polytechnical Foundation) F25 |
10080 Physics for materials and energy F25 |
10102 Quantum Mechanics F25 |
10104 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics F25 |
10260 Physics of solar energy and energy storage F25 |
10302 Electronic Structure Methods in Material Physics, Chemistry and Biology F25 |
10304 Experimental Surface Physics F25 |
10314 Magnetism and Magnetic Materials F25 |
10317 Condensed Matter Physics F25 |
10346 Advanced Continuum Physics F25 |
10380 Quantum Optics F25 |
10401 Experimental plasma physics F25 |
10411 Nuclear reactor physics F25 |
10850 Advanced micro- and nanofabrication technology F25 |
12100 Quantitative Sustainability (Polytechnical Foundation) F25 |
12101 Quantitative Sustainability (Polytechnical Foundation) F25 |
12115 Wastewater treatment and valorization F25 |
12121 Water Supply F25 |
12143 Bioresources F25 |
12202 Environment and Sustainability F25 |
12203 Environmental project work F25 |
12205 Climate change – impacts, mitigation and adaptation F25 |
12227 Regional and global air pollution effects F25 |
12237 Chemicals in the environment F25 |
12238 Priority Organic Pollutants - Transport, Distribution and Transformation F25 |
12320 Hydrology F25 |
12330 Contaminated Sites F25 |
12360 Indoor Climate F25 |
12411 Basic Soil Mechanics F25 |
12422 Advanced Geotechnical Engineering F25 |
12452 Railway Design and Maintenance F25 |
12551 Material science F25 |
12552 Geotechnical engineering and civil engineering structures F25 |
12603 Materials Science for Civil Engineers F25 |
12612 Concrete Technology F25 |
12773 Advanced life cycle assessment methods F25 |
22003 Auditory signal processing and perception F25 |
22050 Continuous time signals and linear systems F25 |
22058 Wearable Sensors: Designing and Prototyping F25 |
22115 Computational Molecular Evolution F25 |
22117 Protein structure and computational biology F25 |
22163 Unix & Python Programming for Bioinformaticians, MSc F25 |
22201 Immune System, Anatomy & Development F25 |
22202 Molecular diagnostics and precision medicine F25 |
22230 Development and production of vaccines F25 |
22235 Drug delivery F25 |
22236 Immunotherapy F25 |
22281 Biomaterials F25 |
22284 Living models of body barriers and organs F25 |
22450 Applied Biomedical Product Development F25 |
22476 Electromagnetism for Health Technology F25 |
22490 Advanced Ultrasound Imaging F25 |
22602 Visualisation of micro and nano structures F25 |
23102 Food safety in production chains F25 |
23216 Producing new sustainable food ingredients - processes and utilizations F25 |
23256 Epidemiology - an introduction F25 |
23257 Compositional data analysis with applications in genomics F25 |
23258 General medical microbiology F25 |
23261 Epidemiological methods for surveillance of infectious diseases F25 |
23262 Infectious disease bioinformatics F25 |
23302 Food chemistry F25 |
23520 Food process design F25 |
23932 Biological chemistry F25 |
25104 An introduction to ocean science and technology F25 |
25105 Ecology F25 |
25107 Fisheries and aquaculture F25 |
25314 Computational marine ecological modelling F25 |
25323 Topics in aquatic science and technology F25 |
25340 Digital Ocean F25 |
25341 Dynamical Oceanography F25 |
25343 Quantitative Modelling of Natural Resources F25 |
25347 Fundamentals of Underwater Acoustic and Optical Systems F25 |
26021 Chemistry (Polytechnical Foundation) F25 |
26124 Coordination Chemistry (Inorganic Chemistry 2) F25 |
26211 Biophysics and biophysical chemistry F25 |
26220 Physical chemistry 2 F25 |
26231 Physical Chemistry 3 F25 |
26271 Physical Chemistry F25 |
26317 Instrumental chemical analysis F25 |
26400 Organic Chemistry 1 F25 |
26426 Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry F25 |
26428 Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds F25 |
26444 Organic Chemistry 4 F25 |
26446 Advanced Medicinal Chemistry F25 |
26471 Organic Chemistry F25 |
27020 Bioengineering (Polytechnical Foundation) F25 |
27022 Biochemistry F25 |
27034 Fermentation technology F25 |
27051 Diversity and application of microorganisms F25 |
27070 Immunology F25 |
27220 Advanced prokaryotic biotechnology F25 |
27325 Advanced protein structure engineering and analysis F25 |
27330 Quantitative analysis and modeling in protein science F25 |
27422 Biosynthesis of natural products F25 |
27430 Eukaryotic cell biology F25 |
27455 Microbial adaptation to industrial processes F25 |
27470 Mammalian cell technology for manufacturing of biologics F25 |
27510 Biosensors and bioanalysis F25 |
28010 Products and Processes - Introduction to Chemical Engineering F25 |
28020 Introduction to Chemical and Biochemical Engineering F25 |
28025 Bio Process Technology F25 |
28157 Process Design F25 |
28160 Mathematical models in chemical engineering F25 |
28212 Polymer Chemistry F25 |
28216 Organic Coatings Science and Technology F25 |
28221 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics F25 |
28342 Chemical Reaction Engineering F25 |
28344 Biotechnology and process design F25 |
28345 Industrial BioReaction Engineering F25 |
28350 Process Design: Principles and Methods F25 |
28352 Chemical Process Control F25 |
28361 Chemical engineering model analysis F25 |
28423 Phase Equilibria for non-ideal mixtures F25 |
28443 Industrial Reaction Engineering F25 |
28451 Optimising Plantwide Control F25 |
28850 Pharmaceutical Process Development F25 |
28855 Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and quality in pharmaceutical, biotech and food industry - Theoretical version F25 |
28871 Production of Biofuels F25 |
30020 Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation F25 |
30081 Digital Engineering F25 |
30102 Introduction to GeoRum 2 F25 |
30121 Astrophysics F25 |
30142 Geo- and Planetary Physics ll F25 |
30150 Mathematical and Numerical Methods in solid Earth Physics F25 |
30160 Continuous and Discrete Time Signals F25 |
30310 Space Systems Engineering F25 |
30340 Radar and Radiometer Systems F25 |
30405 Introduction to Wireless Technologies F25 |
30421 Advanced Microwave Techniques and High Speed Electronics F25 |
30428 Advanced electromagnetics F25 |
30530 Introduction to GIS F25 |
30531 GIS for Bachelor's of Engineering F25 |
30554 Global Navigation Satellite Systems F25 |
30745 Earth and Planetary Magnetism F25 |
30760 Inverse Problems and Machine Learning in Earth and Space Physics F25 |
34020 Optics and photonics F25 |
34031 Applied mathematics for physicists F25 |
34315 Internet of things – application and infrastructure implementation F25 |
34346 Networking technologies and application development for Internet of Things (IoT) F25 |
34349 FPGA design for communication systems F25 |
34351 Access networks and home networks F25 |
34370 Cloud Networking F25 |
34552 Photovoltaic systems F25 |
34601 Electric circuits 2 F25 |
34620 Basic power electronics in energy systems F25 |
34655 Integrated analog electronics 2 F25 |
34720 Introductory project - Electrotechnology F25 |
34721 Linear control design 1 F25 |
34722 Linear control design 1 F25 |
34746 Robust and fault-tolerant control F25 |
34748 Modelling for operation of complex industrial plants F25 |
34755 Building dependable robot systems F25 |
34760 Safety and Reliability in Robotic and Automation Systems F25 |
34761 Robot Autonomy F25 |
34763 Autonomous Marine Robotics F25 |
34850 Architectural acoustics F25 |
34860 Advanced acoustics F25 |
34865 Numerical acoustics F25 |
38104 Entrepreneurial Finance F25 |
41020 Product analysis and redesign F25 |
41028 Design of mechatronic systems 1 F25 |
41046 Materials and mechanics F25 |
41051 Product life and environmental issues F25 |
41083 Technology platforms and architectures F25 |
41107 Marine and ocean engineering F25 |
41126 Fluvial and marine sediment transport F25 |
41204 Fundamental structural mechanics F25 |
41226 Advanced Wave Hydrodynamics F25 |
41236 Structural mechanics F25 |
41237 Dynamics of structures: theory and analysis F25 |
41271 Ship design F25 |
41312 Basic fluid mechanics F25 |
41317 Computational Fluid Dynamics F25 |
41321 Complex flows F25 |
41342 Ecocar F25 |
41346 Internal combustion engines - experimental methods and data processing F25 |
41401 Fundamentals of engineering thermodynamics F25 |
41416 Energy systems - analysis, design and optimization F25 |
41418 Green fuels and power-to-x F25 |
41451 Ventilation and Indoor Climate F25 |
41458 Technical Building Services F25 |
41459 Energy and indoor environment F25 |
41464 Solar Heating Systems F25 |
41466 Sustainable heating and cooling of buildings F25 |
41468 Sustainable District Heating F25 |
41501 Strength of materials 1 F25 |
41511 Machine elements - basics F25 |
41512 Power transmitting machine elements - design and optimization F25 |
41514 Dynamics of machinery F25 |
41517 Stiffened plates and sandwich constructions F25 |
41522 Advanced dynamics and vibrations F25 |
41528 Advanced mechanics of materials F25 |
41533 Dimensioning and strength 1 F25 |
41561 Structural optimization F25 |
41563 Fluid Power & Motion Control F25 |
41635 Robust design of products and mechanisms F25 |
41656 Materials in advanced applications and products F25 |
41658 Methods for experimental materials characterization F25 |
41659 Materials science for mechanical engineers F25 |
41669 Advanced surface engineering F25 |
41680 Introduction to advanced materials F25 |
41684 Materials technology F25 |
41685 Materials characterization and testing F25 |
41686 Materials science F25 |
41689 Corrosion and materials under demanding conditions F25 |
41734 Geometrical metrology and machine testing F25 |
41737 Design of plastic products F25 |
41748 Modelling in materials and manufacturing engineering - thermomechanics F25 |
41784 Process technology F25 |
41787 Production technology F25 |
41789 Introduction to 3D printing: processes and theory F25 |
41813 Finite Element Methods for sound and vibrations F25 |
41860 Design of energy plants F25 |
41863 Mechanical dimensioning F25 |
41905 Project work - Bachelor in Building Technology F25 |
41906 Project work - Architectural Engineering F25 |
41919 Digital design tools F25 |
41927 Open Building Information Modeling (OpenBIM) F25 |
41932 Fire dynamics F25 |
41933 Structural Fire Safety Design F25 |
41935 Super-light structures F25 |
41936 Advanced Building Design F25 |
41940 Advanced Digital Technologies in Construction Projects F25 |
41943 Indoor Climatic Design F25 |
41947 Renovation and transformation design F25 |
41950 Timber Structures F25 |
41953 Structural engineering 1 F25 |
41955 Structural engineering 3: Frame and Plate Structures F25 |
41956 Concrete Structures F25 |
41964 Advanced Steel Structures F25 |
41969 Probabilistic Modelling in Civil Engineering F25 |
41971 Advanced Timber Structures F25 |
42014 Environmental and Resource Economics F25 |
42016 Business Economics and Finance F25 |
42136 Large Scale Optimization using Decomposition F25 |
42137 Optimization using metaheuristics F25 |
42180 Quantitative modelling of behaviour F25 |
42186 Model-based machine learning F25 |
42189 Transport System Analysis F25 |
42380 Supply Chain Analytics F25 |
42404 Maritime Logistics and Management F25 |
42543 Management of organizational change F25 |
42576 From Analytics to Action F25 |
42578 Advanced Business Analytics F25 |
42584 Project work - Data Science and Management F25 |
42586 Decisions under uncertainty F25 |
42588 Data and data science F25 |
46000 Introduction to Wind Energy F25 |
46020 Design project: Energy conversion and storage F25 |
46025 Introduction to renewable energy technologies F25 |
46040 Introduction to energy analytics F25 |
46055 General electrical engineering F25 |
46110 Fundamentals of Aerodynamics F25 |
46120 Scientific Programming for Wind Energy F25 |
46215 Socio-technical dimensions of Renewable Energy F25 |
46230 Power system balancing with large scale wind power F25 |
46310 Wind Turbine Aeroelasticity F25 |
46400 Wind Turbine Measurement Technique F25 |
46411 Design of large composite structures F25 |
46705 Power grid analysis F25 |
46720 High voltage engineering F25 |
46725 Electrical machines F25 |
46740 Distributed energy technologies, modelling and control F25 |
46755 Renewables in electricity markets F25 |
46770 Integrated energy grids F25 |
46910 Advanced Finite Element Simulations Using Abaqus F25 |
47201 Engineering thermodynamics F25 |
47205 Electrochemical energy technologies F25 |
47301 Hydrogen energy and fuel cells F25 |
47304 Ceramic science and engineering F25 |
47305 Electrochemistry F25 |
47334 Carbon capture, utilization, and storage F25 |
62008 Product development - The stages and processes of product development F25 |
62014 Green Entrepreneurship F25 |
62019 Interaction Design F25 |
62033 Technology and Marketing F25 |
62041 Innovation in an Organizational Context F25 |
62048 Physical Computing F25 |
62074 Project Management - Tools and practical management F25 |
62096 IT in production F25 |
62112 Industry 4.0 in practice F25 |
62118 Organisation and Management F25 |
62120 Manufacturing and Business development (project no. 4) F25 |
62134 Strategic Analysis and Development F25 |
62139 Advanced Financial Management F25 |
62142 Digitalization and Industry 4.0 F25 |
62174 Managerial Economics 2 F25 |
62186 German - Civics and Culture 2 F19 |
62198 Economics for engineers F25 |
62200 The Business Potential of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) F25 |
62205 Sustainable and responsible production F25 |
62210 Project leadership - Leadership, Flow and Impact F25 |
62211 Business Science and Technology Management F25 |
62223 Managerial Economics 1 F25 |
62225 English in a Global Context and Academic Writing in English F25 |
62229 IT Business F25 |
62261 HVAC F25 |
62267 SMART Energy Supply F25 |
62268 Soil and Groundwater Pollution F25 |
62272 Project based production: Planning and control of construction projects F25 |
62273 Steel Structures, Design and Execution F25 |
62276 Road and railway design F25 |
62280 Natural drainage and water supply F25 |
62286 Operation and Maintenance of Road and Drainage Systems F25 |
62329 Water and soil properties F25 |
62330 Urban Water and Roads F25 |
62362 Multi Storey Buildings of Concrete F25 |
62369 Advanced mechanical installations F25 |
62381 Traffic and Transport Planning F25 |
62410 CDIO-Project F25 |
62413 Advanced object oriented programming using C# and .NET F25 |
62417 Mobile Application Development with Swift F25 |
62428 Secure implementation of systems F25 |
62443 Data Communication F25 |
62452 Bio-medical electronics 2 F25 |
62512 Telemedicine 1 F25 |
62560 Standards, Safety and Quality in the Healthcare System F25 |
62575 Security in Embedded Systems F25 |
62589 Business Intelligence F25 |
62595 Full Stack Development, Operations and Distributed Systems F25 |
62604 Thermodynamics and energy technology F25 |
62616 Plastics technology F25 |
62622 Railway Technology and Operations: from initial idea to operating railway F25 |
62629 Heat and Mass Transfer F25 |
62640 Freight and Transport Logistics F25 |
62646 Modeling and Programming F25 |
62657 Fluid Mechanics F25 |
62670 Statistical Analysis and Data visualisation F25 |
62683 Mechanical Engineering Design F25 |
62704 Electric machines F25 |
62708 High voltage F25 |
62711 Digital systems, design of F25 |
62716 Digital Control Systems F25 |
62734 Data technique and programming F25 |
62735 Advanced Mathematics for diploma Electro Technology F25 |
62764 Electrotechnique 2 F25 |
62774 Electrophysics 2 F25 |
62798 Geometric Operations in Plane and Space F25 |
62999 Innovation Pilot F25 |
62T38 Secure implementation of systems F25 |
63881 Railway transport and sustainable logistics F25 |